
Join our Learning Journey to Finland 2022

The learning programme is a bespoke mix of training, workshops, personal reflection and school visits. Participants will observe how teaching and school leadership are organised, interact with Finnish teachers and students, and learn from top Finnish pedagogical experts. You will also be able to engage with education entrepreneurs for possible business opportunities.

Why Finland

Finland is a very small country (population 5.4 million) with many great achievements; many of these achievements being traceable to the country’s remarkable education provision. The country’s educational system is globally regarded as one of the best if not the best in the world. This is because of the continuous excellent results of Finnish children and their top performances in a variety of global tests such as the influential PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) where their children have consistently been near the top of the performance rankings since they were first published in 2001. This visit will enable you to see first-hand why this remarkable country has been able to surpass almost all countries on earth in its educational offering to its citizens.

Who should attend?

The program is meant for educationists who wish to be influenced by and implement best practices in education.

Programme date

The programme date is tentatively fixed for 9th to 13th of May, 2022.


The programme cost per participant is €1,250.

This covers accommodation, transportation in Finland and workshops on arranged days and a tour of major historical Finland attractions. Participants can pay in monthly instalments of about 500 Euro each.

Expression of Interest

We hope you will take advantage of this great offer which will have the seminal purpose of shifting mindsets, challenging assumptions and showcasing how education can be transformed when it is in context and led by committed, skilled and dedicated professionals.

Fill the form below if you’re interested in the trip:

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